The International Resilience Institute Sydney known as IRIS consulting is an intellectual partnership of Drs Rosie Chin, Alison Nipperess, and Shane Warren.
IRIS consulting is a specialised human resource leadership and development consultancy that provides forefront training in organisational development and team focus skills within an Emotional Resilience (ER) framework.
IRIS consulting facilitates a series of cultural change management strategies that are designed to give participants a methodology and process to analyse their actions so that they are more empowered to take responsibility for their outcomes.
IRIS consulting training and coaching programs are based on our own unique retrospective model of learning...
IRIS consulting programs make a difference to all industries because our programs graduate creative and innovative thinkers with both the adaptability and capability to take on any professional (and personal) challenge that comes in their way. It is this thinking strategy that makes the difference between a good team player and a great team player; often all members of the team have the academic base to perform their roles, but it is innovative thinking that shows through with excellent staff.
IRIS consulting is about building mental fitness so that your team can leap through the mental gymnastics required to come out on top every day!