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“Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.”

Steve Maraboli

IRIS Coaching

IRIS consulting recognizes that resilient development has two core areas of growth:


  • Explanatory Style – this is the way we explain the world around us to ourselves; 

  • Behavioural Flexibility – this is about how we choose to act in different situations.


IRIS believes that coaching is a really powerful way for individuals to grow in these fundamental skills.


IRIS offers two models of coaching to the general community...

Resilience Coaching for Life

RESILIENCE COACHING for LIFE is a 12-session commitment with the core goal being to achieve that all important work-life-balance.


The program is built around the American Psychological Associations 10-pillars concept for emotional resilience and is married with Shane Warren's Constructive Coaching model. In the course of the coaching relationship you will develop a lifestyle model just for you.


Through a series of activities and one-on-one sessions, delivered either face-to-face or via the internet; your coach will help you become a master of...


  1. Making connections that work for you and those who are important to you;

  2. Manage iceberg and other self-limiting beliefs so that crisis events can be a bump in the road and not a major hold-back;

  3. Learn to accept change and embrace it;

  4. Set goals and move towards them;

  5. Be ready and able to make decisions and act upon them;

  6. Stop-reflect-improve in all areas of your life;

  7. Become more self aware and self confident by accepting your beauty and failings;

  8. Learn how to always look at things objectively and keep them in perspective;

  9. Be postive about the future and hopeful about coming events, without ignoring the negative; and

  10. Manage time for yourself so that you too may continue to grow as a person.


Resilient Mindset for Executives

RESILIENCE MINDSET COACHING for EXECUTIVES with IRIS coaches will provide your leadership team with an opportunity to gain insights from an outside-thinking partner and confidante; giving an unbiased and non-judgmental perspective to what is often entrenched thinking gained from years of executive experience.


Our coaching strategy is designed to help the executive to find a space to discuss ideas, results and challenges, free from conflict, so that they may identify their own skills weaknesses and mud-map a path of personal growth and self-improvement.


Through the creation of a non-judgmental briefing partner, your leadership team will:


  1. Learn to accept “permission” to make the time to consider options and alternatives rather then just acting;

  2. Become confident in saying NO and committed when saying YES; and

  3. Improve on soft skills such as how to motivate, influence and inspire other team members rather then force or argue.


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